[xmonad] Chrome full screen behavior
Dave Macias
2015-05-29 00:42:00 UTC
Just recently moved into darcs version of xmonad. Config works exactly the
Noticed that with the darcs version chromium fullscreen video does not
As a test i went back to using haskell xmonad 0.11.1 and the video did

So the culprit was not chromium but xmonad version 0.11.1.

Is the darcs version ever going to be implemented to the stable release
(haskell). I noticed there is a thread for "New Release" but nothing
concrete as to date. Granted new releases take time but just wondering.

When chrome is running on fullscreen (F11) and i change to different pages
the window client expands (bleeds into the neighbor screen). It's like if
it were zooming in. I tried it with firefox and that does not happen. I
provided some screenshots.
myEventHook e = do
screenCornerEventHook e
docksEventHook e
E.fullscreenEventHook e
-- debugKeyEvents e
defaults = defaultConfig {
-- simple stuff
terminal = myTerminal
, focusFollowsMouse = myFocusFollowsMouse
, handleEventHook = myEventHook
Everything points to chrome but i just want to rule out xmonad. Any input?
Thanks in advance