[xmonad] Building xmonad / X11 fails on Mac OS X 10.11.3 El Capitan.
Christoph R. Murauer
2016-02-21 22:18:52 UTC
pkg-config isn't required, although it can help. If you do use it, you'll need to have PKG_CONFIG_PATH in the environment pointing to the pkgconfig databases (yes, plural; one in lib, one in share) under /opt/X11 or /usr/X11 for it to find the X11 libraries.
You are right. I gave it a second try and, it worked with the 2 commands without pkg-config or other things.

Christoph R. Murauer
2016-02-21 21:14:43 UTC
pkg-config isn't required, although it can help. If you do use it, you'll need to have PKG_CONFIG_PATH in the environment pointing to the pkgconfig databases (yes, plural; one in lib, one in share) under /opt/X11 or /usr/X11 for it to find the X11 libraries.
Yes, maybe. I haven´t tried to reproduce it. But as I tried to build xmonad-contrib without --flags="-use_xft“ it was reported as missing. I will give it a try on a clean system.
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