Gauthier Östervall
2015-04-30 14:20:24 UTC
Hi all!
I hope it's ok to ask xmobar questions here, it fills related enough.
Frankly, I don't know if my problem is caused by xmobar or xmonad.
Every now and then, maybe every other day, my xmobar crashes. It just
disappears, leaving a gap where I can see my background picture.
The only way to make it reappear is to log out and in. Restarting
xmobar from a terminal (same command as in my xmonad.hs) starts the
process, says that "Fields missing from config defaulted:
overrideRedirect,persistent", but the bar does not appear. Mod+q
doesn't help.
What I wonder is how I find crash and debug info about this.
/var/log/syslog doesn't mention anything about xmobar, xmonad.errors
is empty. What is going on?
I hope it's ok to ask xmobar questions here, it fills related enough.
Frankly, I don't know if my problem is caused by xmobar or xmonad.
Every now and then, maybe every other day, my xmobar crashes. It just
disappears, leaving a gap where I can see my background picture.
The only way to make it reappear is to log out and in. Restarting
xmobar from a terminal (same command as in my xmonad.hs) starts the
process, says that "Fields missing from config defaulted:
overrideRedirect,persistent", but the bar does not appear. Mod+q
doesn't help.
What I wonder is how I find crash and debug info about this.
/var/log/syslog doesn't mention anything about xmobar, xmonad.errors
is empty. What is going on?