That's interesting. I don't see a --disable-factory option for
termite. I don't have gnome terminal installed at the moment to see
what it's options are.
Sure. Here's what I have. I'm used both named scratchpad and
scratchpad. I set myTerminal to urxvt which works fine.
If I set it to Termite it acts very strangely.
urxvt is currently hard coded for the regular scratchpad but it acts the
same way if I change it to termite.
scratchpadSize = W.RationalRect (1/4) (1/4) (1/3) (3/7)
mySPFloat = customFloating scratchpadSize
-- with a flexible location.
flexScratchpadSize dx dy = W.RationalRect (dx) (dy) (1/3) (3/7)
flexFloatSP dx dy = customFloating (flexScratchpadSize dx dy)
scratchpads =
[ NS "term" (myTerminal ++ " -title term") (title =? "term") (flexFloatSP (1/10) (1/10))
, NS "term2" (myTerminal ++ " -title term2") (title =? "term2") (flexFloatSP (1/3) (1/10))
, NS "ghci" (myTerminal ++ " -e ghci") (title =? "ghci") (flexFloatSP (2/3) (1/10))
--, NS "sync" (myTerminal ++ " -e sy") (title =? "sy") (flexFloatSP (1/10) (2/3))
, NS "top" (myTerminal ++ " -e htop") (title =? "htop") (flexFloatSP (1/4) (1/4))
, NS "calc" (myTerminal ++ " -e bc") (title =? "bc") (flexFloatSP (1/4) (1/4))
scratchToggle a = namedScratchpadAction scratchpads a >> bringMouse
namedScratchpadsKeymap = -- Scratch Pads
[ ("o", scratchToggle "term") -- Term
, ("e", scratchToggle "term2") -- Term2
, ("g", scratchToggle "ghci") -- ghci
, ("c", scratchToggle "calc") -- calc
, ("t", scratchToggle "top") -- top
, ("k", scratchToggle "mkb") -- matchbox Keyboard
, ("n", scratchpadSpawnActionTerminal "urxvt -background rgba:0000/0000/0200/c800") -- scratchpad
Post by Brandon AllberyCan you show how you're configuring the scratchpad?
In general, terminals --- especially the VTE-based ones --- have extra
"gotchas" as described at
. It takes some care to both get the scratchpad to behave *and* not have
every terminal be thought a scratchpad.
Post by e***@gmail.comHello,
I am interested in using the Termite terminal as my scratchpad
but it doesn't actually work as a scratchpad and I'm wondering why.
It seems unable to float. Gnome terminal has the same behavior for
me and apparently Termite uses the same foundation as Gnome terminal.
So I'm wondering if it is a short coming of the terminal or if there is
something I can do to make it work.
Has anyone got this working ?
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