[xmonad] XMobar covered by display-1 main window
Peter Fitzgibbons
2018-04-05 15:39:20 UTC
HI Folks,
I have 2 displays in portrait-mode, both 1200x1920.
ghc 7.6.3
xmonad 0.11
xmobar 0.25

I've been reading several-years-old and even recent google results on this

xmobar --dock made the dock display on main (in display 1), though the
window is still full-screen, not giving space for the bar.

Could any of you please describe to me how to:
1) instruct main window to give space for the bar?
(other workspaces work fine, only ws2(display-1) does this.
2) display xmobar in both displays? (extra credit for separate bar contents
-- not necessary)

Your help is most kindly appreciated!
Peter Fitzgibbons
(224) 307-9689
Zev Weiss
2018-04-05 16:28:28 UTC
Post by Peter Fitzgibbons
HI Folks,
I have 2 displays in portrait-mode, both 1200x1920.
ghc 7.6.3
xmonad 0.11
xmobar 0.25
I've been reading several-years-old and even recent google results on this
xmobar --dock made the dock display on main (in display 1), though the
window is still full-screen, not giving space for the bar.
1) instruct main window to give space for the bar?
(other workspaces work fine, only ws2(display-1) does this.
2) display xmobar in both displays? (extra credit for separate bar contents
-- not necessary)
Your help is most kindly appreciated!
Peter Fitzgibbons
(224) 307-9689
The lack-of-space problem I'm afraid I don't know much about, but
regarding point number 2, I have something like that set up in my xmonad
config roughly as follows -- I *think* this snippet contains all the
relevant parts, though I may have missed something (and parts of it are
likely not relevant to you)...I'm also not the most experienced
Haskeller in the world, so there may be better/more-direct ways of
achieving this, but:

--- 8< ---

barKey :: XConfig t -> (KeyMask, KeySym)
barKey XConfig { modMask = modm } = (modm, xK_b)

wsWinTitle :: (LayoutClass layout a) => S.Workspace String (layout a) Window -> X String
wsWinTitle ws = case S.stack ws of
Nothing -> return "-"
Just stk -> fmap show $ getName $ S.focus stk

wsFormat t ws = unwords [S.tag ws, wrap "[" "]:" $ description $ S.layout ws, t]

getScreenDesc :: ScreenId -> X (Maybe String)
getScreenDesc sid = do
screens <- (\w -> (S.current w):(S.visible w)) <$> gets windowset
let wsSids = [(ws, s) | S.Screen ws s _ <- screens]
wts <- mapM (\(ws, _) -> wsWinTitle ws) wsSids
let wtSids = zip wts wsSids
return $ listToMaybe [wsFormat wt ws | (wt, (ws, s)) <- wtSids, s == sid]

mkPP :: ScreenId -> PP
mkPP s = def { ppCurrent = no,
ppVisible = no,
ppHidden = no,
ppTitle = no,
ppSep = "",
ppLayout = no,
ppExtras = [getScreenDesc s] }
where no = const ""

mkExtraPP :: ScreenId -> Handle -> PP
mkExtraPP s h = (mkPP s) { ppOutput = hPutStrLn h }

mkStatusBar scr = let barcmd = xbar scr
in statusBar barcmd (mkPP scr) barKey

xbar :: ScreenId -> String
xbar sid = let s = show (toInteger sid) in "xmobar -x " ++ s ++ " $HOME/.dotfiles/xmobarrc-" ++ s

numScreens = 3
mainScreen:extraScreens = take numScreens [0..]

main = do
barpipes <- mapM spawnPipe (xbar <$> extraScreens)
let screenbars = zip extraScreens barpipes
let lhs = dynamicLogWithPP . uncurry mkExtraPP <$> screenbars
let lh = foldl (>>) def lhs
mkStatusBar mainScreen (ewmh zConf { logHook = lh }) >>= xmonad

--- >8 ---

Each xmobar instance uses its own separate config at
~/.dotfiles/xmobbarrc-$NUMBER, each of which contains a StdinReader to
display what xmonad sends it, plus whatever else is configured for that

