Adam Sjøgren
2016-06-12 17:24:17 UTC
I am trying to modify xmonad to handle exceptions thrown in
Since I am still copy/paste-coding, I need some help.
Take a function like this, which I have seen crashes in (especially when
using Gimp):
floatLocation :: Window -> X (ScreenId, W.RationalRect)
floatLocation w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
ws <- gets windowset
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
let bw = (fromIntegral . wa_border_width) wa
sc <- fromMaybe (W.current ws) <$> pointScreen (fi $ wa_x wa) (fi $ wa_y wa)
let sr = screenRect . W.screenDetail $ sc
rr = W.RationalRect ((fi (wa_x wa) - fi (rect_x sr)) % fi (rect_width sr))
((fi (wa_y wa) - fi (rect_y sr)) % fi (rect_height sr))
(fi (wa_width wa + bw*2) % fi (rect_width sr))
(fi (wa_height wa + bw*2) % fi (rect_height sr))
return (W.screen sc, rr)
where fi x = fromIntegral x
I somehow need to wrap the code from getWindowAttributes and on, in
something that "does the right thing" if gWA throws an exception.
In other places, I have done something like this:
sendConfigureEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> Window -> Event -> IO ()
sendConfigureEvent dpy ev w e = C.handle (\(C.SomeException _) -> putStrLn "sendConfigureEvent failed") $ do
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes dpy w
setEventType ev configureNotify
setConfigureEvent ev w w
(wa_x wa) (wa_y wa) (wa_width wa)
(wa_height wa) (ev_border_width e) none (wa_override_redirect wa)
sendEvent dpy w False 0 ev
which works, but in floatLocation the type is X and not IO, and ...
well, what's a boy to do?
Best regards,
Since I am still copy/paste-coding, I need some help.
Take a function like this, which I have seen crashes in (especially when
using Gimp):
floatLocation :: Window -> X (ScreenId, W.RationalRect)
floatLocation w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
ws <- gets windowset
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
let bw = (fromIntegral . wa_border_width) wa
sc <- fromMaybe (W.current ws) <$> pointScreen (fi $ wa_x wa) (fi $ wa_y wa)
let sr = screenRect . W.screenDetail $ sc
rr = W.RationalRect ((fi (wa_x wa) - fi (rect_x sr)) % fi (rect_width sr))
((fi (wa_y wa) - fi (rect_y sr)) % fi (rect_height sr))
(fi (wa_width wa + bw*2) % fi (rect_width sr))
(fi (wa_height wa + bw*2) % fi (rect_height sr))
return (W.screen sc, rr)
where fi x = fromIntegral x
I somehow need to wrap the code from getWindowAttributes and on, in
something that "does the right thing" if gWA throws an exception.
In other places, I have done something like this:
sendConfigureEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> Window -> Event -> IO ()
sendConfigureEvent dpy ev w e = C.handle (\(C.SomeException _) -> putStrLn "sendConfigureEvent failed") $ do
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes dpy w
setEventType ev configureNotify
setConfigureEvent ev w w
(wa_x wa) (wa_y wa) (wa_width wa)
(wa_height wa) (ev_border_width e) none (wa_override_redirect wa)
sendEvent dpy w False 0 ev
which works, but in floatLocation the type is X and not IO, and ...
well, what's a boy to do?
Best regards,
"It's part of our policy not to be taken seriously" Adam Sjøgren
"It's part of our policy not to be taken seriously" Adam Sjøgren