I tried adding `dockStartupHook` to `myStartupHook` but no change. so i
moved it to `main` with still no change. So then i tried both location but
nothing different, avoidStruts not working.
how it currently looks in my xmonad.hs file:
(....... (setLayout =<< asks (XMonad.layoutHook . config)) >>
myStartupHook = do
main = do
, startupHook = composeAll [
, docksStartupHook
Just to reiterate, xmonad 0.12 from GIT allows me to reset the layout but
avoidstruts does not work.
Same xmonad.hs code but w/o docksStartupHook under xmonad 0.12 from
haskell, still allows me to reset the layout but also respects docs
(avoidstruts) if and only if I reset the layout (mod-shift-space) on all
"visible" workspaces after an xmonad start/restart. "Non-visible"
workspaces seem to work fine, avoidstruts works when spawning a window
client; as does reset layout.
My understanding is that GIT is now the "darcs" version of xmonad (aka
development version). That being the case, I can live for now under haskell
xmonad with the annoyance of (mod-shift-space) upon xmonad start/restart.
It's no biggy. I'll deal with it once GIT gets pushed to haskell (unless we
abandoning haskell).
Hope all this makes sense.
Thanks again for assistance,
Post by Bogdan SinitsynAdd `docksStartupHook` to both your action on mod-shift-space and your startup
hook(because you restore initial layout state before restart).
Post by Dave MaciasYes, it's an action on a hotkey. (mod+shift+space) which resets layout on
workspace. See http://web.mit.edu/nelhage/Public/xmonad.hs
Under haskell xmonad, i had to (mod-shift-space) in order for the docks
Post by Dave Maciasbe respected, since it was never respected upon xmonad restart.
Under Git xmonad, docks are still not respected upon xmonad restart but
Post by Dave Maciasprevious solution (mod-shift-space) for displaying the dock, no longer
On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 8:58 AM, Bogdan Sinitsyn <
Post by Bogdan SinitsynAre you speaking about action on some hotkey instead of `setLayout =<< asks
(layoutHook . config)` or something else? If first then I dunno what's wrong,
can you give the whole config?
Post by Dave MaciasThank you Bogdan for the reply. I did as suggested. I tried
Post by Dave MaciasPost by Bogdan SinitsynPost by Dave Macias`setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf` -- original code. works fine
Post by Dave MaciasPost by Bogdan SinitsynPost by Dave MaciasHaskell xmonad 0.12. with GIT xmonad docks are not longer respected.
`setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf >> docksStartupHook` -- failed on
xmonad restart
`(setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf) >> docksStartupHook` -- passes
Post by Dave Maciasrestart but setLayout to default does not work, neither respect for docks
`(setLayout =<< asks (XMonad.layoutHook . config)) >>
Post by Dave MaciasPost by Bogdan Sinitsyn--
Post by Dave Maciaspasses restart. setLayout works. but still no respect for docks.
I feel like im very close.
Could it be that my `manageDocks` or `docksEventHook e` are not
Post by Dave MaciasPost by Bogdan SinitsynPost by Dave Maciasconfigured?
Thank you again for assistance. Hopefully my struggles will help
Post by Dave MaciasPost by Bogdan SinitsynPost by Dave Maciaselse who reads this.
On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Bogdan Sinitsyn <
Post by Bogdan SinitsynPost by Dave MaciasI did not quite understand how to try the `docksStartupHook`
Post by Dave MaciasPost by Bogdan SinitsynPost by Dave MaciasPost by Bogdan Sinitsyn`(setLayout =<< asks (layoutHook . config)) >> docksStartupHook`
Bogdan Sinitsyn
Bogdan Sinitsyn
Bogdan Sinitsyn